Look, feel, and flow
based on reviews of
existing certification programs.

Sketched notes and references

System Structure

Centralized vs distributed

  • CC as central authority, manages all authentication, records, distribution of certificates (ODI, Linux Foundation, Blender, Red Hat
  • CC as hub, manages "core" certificate, authorizes other entities to issue specialized certificates, connects to hubs via API for reporting (Mozilla somewhat distributed in content, activities)
  • Git fork / branch, merge model? remix?

What is a Certificate

Representations, how is it acquired, distributed, verified?

Stacked Certificate Options

A system of simple to more complex certificate options

  • Trainer options are more intensively reviewed (criteria Blender, ODI)
  • Technical Certifications are assessed by exam proctored in controlled testing environment (Red Hat, Linux Foundation)
  • Many require materials submitted via Email (City & Guilds), others done via creating a profile ID account (Blender, Linux Foundation)

Time/Effort vs Training Modes

Tradeoffs to be made?

  • Examination based certifications easier to do for content / technical skill based, and for more people
  • Portfolio review, application committee review more time, person intensive

Relationship with Rights Owners

For possible peer / external review CC has a unique situation where a rights holder has a stake in caring about the way certification applicants are performing.

Banks of "stuff"

A system less rigidly designed? User / trainer choice / materials

Source Materials

Pre-Work assignment

"Picking features and functions from across these examples, and/or defining new features/functions you think are better, create an overall design for CC’s certificate program."

Wikity Notes

Notes stored in a "Wikity Federated Wordpress" (via Mike Caulfield, http://wikity.cc), a series of cards of one idea per card.